2017 DM Resolutions


  1. ‘Get fit & healthy’
    Get your fitness on! Walk to class, run with friends and save some time to exercise daily so that you’re prepared to stand for 26.2 hours! Staying fit and healthy will keep you energized to stand and fight for those who can’t. (Sign up for FT5K to work on this resolution! http://events.dancemarathon.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.event&eventID=1450)
  2. ‘Live life to the fullest’

People feel happiest when they’re spreading happiness to others. Focus on loving those around you and encouraging a positive, uplifting atmosphere. Enjoying life to the fullest means appreciating the small things, recognizing the unique and special UF community that we have and remembering that it is far better to give than to receive.

  1. ‘Spend less, save more’

This popular resolution will help you save money and fundraise for DM! Skip out on that $5 Starbucks order and donate to a friend’s page. Think about unnecessary purchases, and how you can be more resourceful. Every dollar can help make a difference in the lives of our miracle children. Think FTK!

4. ‘Spend more time with family and friends’

Grab dinner with friends at hospitality nights and come up with fun fundraising incentives! Talk with your family and loved ones about your passions, and why DM is important to you. Enjoy time with your friends and family, and spend time getting to know the miracle families – you’ll make forever friendships here.

5. ‘Get organized’

Organize important dates, email templates, letters, fundraising techniques and a Dance Marathon survival kit so that you can make the most of the event that is always much closer than you think! Organization is the key to a stress-free 2017… and one resolution that can help foster an exciting, encouraging, impactful Dance Marathon at the University of Florida!

Happy New Year, and good luck, Gators!

-Casey McLean