8 Days until Dance Marathon

With only eight days until Dance Marathon 2018, we are coming together to share our mission. We are causing a MOVEMENT. Our movement is bigger than one person, it takes all of us. To further ignite our movement, invite a friend to create a donor drive page and learn more about Dance Marathon at the University of Florida. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Go to floridadm.org/register-to-fundraise

Step 2: Click the link that says “Follow this Link to register now!” You will then be directed to a countdown page where you will click the “Register Now” button.

Step 3: Fill out your name, email, and create a password to create an account and then “Continue to Next Step.”

Step 4: Choose “Fundraiser” as your position type and then select your role. You can join as an individual, join a team, or create a team. Then, “Continue to Next Step.”

Step 5: Fill out your registration details. This includes setting your fundraising goal and answering a few other questions about your participation in Dance Marathon at UF. You will also be asked to fill out your address information during this step. Then, agree to the terms and conditions for participation and continue to the final step.

Step 6: Review your details and click on “Complete Registration!”

Step 7: Go out there and begin fundraising For The Kids!